一個剛從國外回來的朋友想購買超搶手[美國直購 ShopUSA] 電纜 Hosa CPR201 Dual 1/4 Inch To RCA Cable - 3.25 Foot $288超值推
Connector: dual male RCA to maleCP值超高
TSLength: 3.3' DurableHigh performanceProduct Dimensions: 10 x 2 x 4 inches ; 4.8 ounces
Shipping Weig現省ht: 4.8 ouncesProduct Description
The Hosa Cable Dual 1/4 Inch To僅此一檔 RCA interconnects are in use on stages and in home studios all over the world. Hosa cables are built with the hard-working, hard-touring musician or audio professional in mind. Hosa cables are exceedingly popular, due in part to their reputation as being one of the most affordable and high-quality cable lines in the business. Hosa cables have also received praise for their durability and excellent performance. When it comes to audio cable design, Hosa keeps a steady eye on the basics, and you can hear this attention to detail in their sound. To make your next music experience extraordinary, pick up a Hosa cable today
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